If you want to lose weight fast, check out these tips to get motivated. Our weight loss clinic in Shelby Township can help you with your journey.
Want to lose weight fast? Sometimes the hardest part about losing weight is actually getting started. That’s where motivation comes into play.
Motivation helps you to achieve your goals by providing you with the reason why it’s important to do so. Taking a step back and looking at the bigger picture can help motivate you to take the first step.
Let’s dive into what usually works so you can get started on your journey.
1. Identify What Motivates You
When you know what drives your motivation, you can use it to your advantage. If you’re trying to lose weight and become healthier, you might be motivated by the thought of being able to run with your kids without getting fatigued or out of breath quickly.
Maybe your motivation is being able to wear a pair of jeans that have been sitting in your closet (or even go shopping in Shelby Township for new clothes and feel confident!).
You’ll have far more success if you find out what is your biggest motivation is. Even if it’s as simple as just wanting to get healthy, that is a huge motivator itself.
2. Set Small, Attainable Goals
One of the best ways to stay motivated and reach your goal is by setting small, attainable goals. Rather than trying to lose weight in just one week, you can break up your goal into smaller steps that you will more likely achieve. For example, try going for even just 5 pounds in a month. That may sound like it will take too long.
Learn More Here: Medical Weight Loss Program: Why Changing Your Eating Habits Is Effective For Weight Loss
You may more than likely even lose more pounds than that. However, think about if you didn’t lose anything; you would still be five pounds less than if you didn’t do anything. That much weight might not sound like a lot but even one pound is a lot.
3. Make it Social!
One of the easiest ways to get motivated is to tell other people you will be going on your weight loss journey. Get excited about telling them. See if anyone wants to do some sort of challenge with you. Even if you have someone along on the journey, it’s a bit easier so you can hold each other accountable.
4. Alternatives for Unhealthy Foods
The goal is to come up with an alternative so you don’t have the temptation to go back to those bad habits. For example, if you eat chips as a late-night snack, try having sliced apples; you can even sprinkle some cinnamon on them for extra flavor.
There are endless alternatives that you can make healthier. Thankfully, with the internet at our fingertips, you can search for your favorite food and type in “alternative” next to it. For example, you could go to your favorite search engine and type in “lasagna healthy alternative” or “healthy lasagna alternative”. There are several recreations of meals so it shouldn’t be hard to find your favorite.
5. Draw Out Your Timeline
Set goals starting with the most important, and break them down into smaller chunks. Tell yourself what you want to accomplish and when. The trick is to be careful with how you set the dates, though. Strive for slow progress.
It’s easy to fall off the bandwagon when we don’t meet a specific goal by a certain date. For example, don’t put on your calendar 20 pounds in one month; instead, you could do 5-8 pounds.
6. Try Liposculping for Fast Weight Loss
When you reach your goal, you may have loose skin. It’s a common part of losing a lot of weight. Thankfully, it is an effective non-invasive procedure to reduce the amount of excess fat that diet and exercise can’t help with. While they sound alike, “liposculpting” and “liposuction” are two different procedures. Here, we are talking about liposculpting.
Liposculting is for both men and women. As long as you have a BMI under 30 and are close to your goal weight, you could benefit from liposculpting. This procedure is not recommended for anyone who has a BMI over 30, but our center can still help you get on track to a lower BMI so you can qualify for liposculpting.
The great thing about liposculpting is that you can start seeing results right after your procedure. You may even notice them up to three months later. Not to mention, this is not just a safe way to remove stubborn fat deposits; the pesky areas will be removed permanently. Since it’s a natural fat transfer, you can request the fat to be transferred to another part of your body. Recovery time is only 24-48 hours.
Contact Michigan Integrative Health in Shelby Township to schedule an appointment to see if you are an ideal candidate for liposculpting. We can answer any questions or concerns you have so you can lose weight fast. Our phone number is (586) 800-2249. We look forward to helping you.
We have a wide range of medical weight loss services and liposculpting is one of the services that can complete your weight loss journey. We’re excited to talk to you and help you reach and fulfill your goals so you can feel your best.