About Us

With over 60 years of healthcare experience combined, our staff is all about bringing people to new levels of health and happiness.

At Michigan Integrative Health, besides helping those who suffer with physical pain, our medical procedures allow us to do so naturally, without drugs or surgery!

Traditional medical care primarily offers drugs and surgery to treat and manage pain. More and more are now looking for an alternative to drugs and surgery either due to concern, or lack of results. Our medical team and alternative health providers have developed procedures and utilize products that are not only effective in treating chronic pain, but also proven beneficial in the healing and repairing of tissue damage. The care we offer has no potential for addiction, unlike the dangerous opioid medications that are commonly offered in traditional medical care. Our procedures do not require repetitive, frequent visits to our office. In most situations, our consultation and screening process determines if you are a candidate, what type of care you require, whether you will need to return to our office for repeat visits, or whether your treatment can be completed in a single visit. Since we do not follow the traditional model required by insurance companies, our services are out of pocket.

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Please include non-medical questions and correspondence only.

Office Hours

Mon-Thu: 9am-6:30pm
Closed Fri & Sat

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