Why You Should Reconsider Your Diet Plan

weight loss diet

Obesity and weight problems in the US continue to increase every year. With this change comes a wave of diet and fitness plans that all claim to be the magic cure to your weight issues.

There is definitely no shortage of quick-fix diet trends and supplements, but the numbers continue to rise.

Maybe it’s time that we consider a new, more sustainable approach to weight loss.

1 in 3 Americans are reported as being overweight, demonstrating the effect of sedentary lifestyles and a lack of understanding on how to control their weight and stay healthy.

We all know the temptations of fast food and how difficult it can be to maintain a healthy fitness routine with office jobs and a full schedule, but this does not mean that you need to go cold-turkey and stick to rigid diet plans just to get in shape.

The Problem With the Modern Diet Approach

Modern diet plans are well-intentioned and some can actually be very beneficial. It is not the diets that are the problems, really, it’s more the mindset behind them. Rather than trying to stick to diet plans and eventually burn out and resort to old habits, wouldn’t it be more beneficial to try to adopt better daily habits and just consume a balanced diet?

In some cases, certain diets can provide you with nutrients you may be lacking that will help jumpstart your metabolism or burn off fat. It really depends on your personal characteristics and what works best for you.

You should never just depend on a single diet to be the solution to your weight issues. There are more underlying triggers and deficiencies that could be leading to your weight problems apart from calories and carbs.

The Big Picture

Your body operates on a more complex system than individual diets can help with. If you are serious about shedding weight then it’s important to understand the big picture of contributing factors.

Some of the most common factors that many people overlook include:


To date, nearly 400 different genetic factors have been linked to weight loss.

These genes play a role in appetite, fat storage, metabolism, and even stress-related hunger.

Research has shown that some individual’s genes account for up to 80% of their weight loss issues.

In order to know if genes are hindering your weight loss goals, you can check if you have experienced the following:

  • Weight has almost always been an issue
  • Weight problems run in the family
  • Physical activity has no effect on your weight

If any of these factors apply to you there is a higher chance that you may need more than just a diet to help curb your weight issues.


There is a whole system of hormones that help regulate hunger, nutrient storage, and even the amount of fat your body stores or burns. If you find out that you have issues with any of the following hormones, you may need to seek help from a physician:

  • Cortisol
  • Ghrelin
  • Insulin
  • Leptin
  • Estrogen
  • Testosterone

He hormonal process surrounding hunger is very complex and is exactly why you should consider seeing a specialist. They can run tests and pinpoint any hormonal issues that could contribute to uncontrolled weight gain.


Certain medications may have unintended consequences on your appetite, metabolism, or fat storage. Insulin, antidepressants, and hormone/contraceptive medication can increase the risk of weight gain if you are not careful.


Sleep is one of the key ingredients required for a healthy lifestyle. If your sleep schedule is not up to par, your hormones and metabolism will be completely thrown out of line. For example, the hormone leptin is reduced by a significant amount when you routinely don’t get enough sleep. This hormone is responsible for suppressing appetite and controlling unnecessary hunger.

Why Custom Tailored Plans Will Help You Really Lose Weight

When your hormones and metabolism are balanced, it becomes much easier to maintain a sustainable weight loss program and feel great while doing it. If sticking with trending diet plans keeps leading you nowhere, it may be time to take control of your weight and start working with the plan you know is designed just for you.

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