Trying to find the right weight loss plan today can be overwhelming. There is just so much advice and varying tips out there it can be hard to figure out which one will work for you.
Most trending diet plans are not based on any proof or medical backing. As it turns out, losing weight takes more than just a good diet plan.
Here are some of the most common misconceptions that we have come across:
1. Carbs Make You Fat
There is plenty of evidence that shows limited carbohydrate diets can help aid weight loss.
While this is the case, carbohydrates are not the reason you are gaining weight.
Often, by limiting carbohydrate intake you will also drastically reduce your calorie intake.
This, in turn, helps you cut weight, but the carbs are not the culprit.
Carbohydrates are actually an essential part of a healthy diet, and you should never completely cut them from your diet unless specifically instructed to do so by your doctor.
They are a critical part of a healthy hormonal system and your energy metabolism.
2. Diets Are About Willpower
Losing weight the right way should include sustainable lifestyle changes that make you more energetic and excited about your results.
Most people that experience these struggles with certain diet plans hit walls because the diets may not agree with their biology.
You could potentially have a hormonal or thyroid deficiency that is slowing down your metabolism, or maybe you are not consuming enough protein to feed your muscles.
Everyone’s body is unique and requires a personalized plan to maximize weight loss. Blindly following diet plans will only lead you to wall after wall.
3. Supplements Will Make You Lose Weight
Simply taking popular supplements can help you up your nutritional intake, but alone they will not trigger weight loss.
If your metabolism is slow, you do not exercise much, and your diet is negatively affecting your health, then taking supplements will most likely not trigger any significant weight loss.
At their best, supplements can help you with certain deficiencies that a physician finds may be deterring your weight loss goals.
By targeting your body’s specific needs, you can get the best possible results from supplements.
4. You Should Pay Attention to the Scale
It never hurts to keep track of your weight throughout the course of a diet plan, but you should not base the amount of success on what you see on the scale.
Your body may be slowly transitioning and what you see on the scale is not an accurate representation of what is actually going on underneath the surface.
If you are working closely with a specialist who understands your health and your body’s specific traits, you will remove the guesswork and won’t even need to check the scale.
5. Eating Less Makes You Lose Weight
Calories In vs. Calories Burned
It is simply about the amount of calories you take in vs. the amount you burn.
You should always try to take in a balanced diet of various nutrients, but if you aren’t burning more calories than you take in, you won’t lose weight.
If you are serious about taking control of your health and losing weight properly, you should consider working with a physician and ditching the internet gurus who claim to hold the key to weight loss. A doctor can help you to pinpoint what causes your weight gain and how you can sustainably make a change for the better