Peripheral Neuropathy – Natural Treatment for Diabetic and Peripheral Neuropathy

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Neuropathy can lead to pain, burning, numbness, tingling, cramping and imbalance. Many people are looking for an alternative treatment for neuropathy, other than drugs, cane, walker or wheelchair. One of our providers, Dr. Roy Picard, DC has been offering care to help people achieve neuropathy relief since 2008. This interview will shed light as to why many people are not happy with the testing or treatment they receive for their Diabetic Neuropathy, chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy or the neuropathy that occurs as a result of an autoimmune response. Learn the difference between traditional nerve testing EMG, compared to the type of sensory based nerve tests we offer. When you understand what is causing foot neuropathy, then you will have a better understanding of what needs to be done to improve upon your condition. Treatment for neuropathy in legs and feet is now being challenged by more and more people as a result of the lack of results. At Michigan Integrative Health our Neuropathy specialist has been offering natural treatment for neuropathy for over 16 years. Some of the information during this interview has been updated, including our new testing procedures. Feel free to contact our office for more details at (586) 726-9860.

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