Medical Weight Loss: Can Virtual Exercise Lead to Real Weight Loss?

Medical Weight Loss Shelby Township MI

Research Suggest That “Virtual” Exercise Can Lead to Weight Loss

Are you looking for a medical weight loss? New research suggests that virtual exercises using an avatar can help you lose weight.

Medical Weight Loss Shelby Township MI

A study conducted by the George Washington University School of Public Health seems to indicate that watching an avatar participate in exercise, and learning about other healthy habits, can lead to weight loss and picking up on those habits, “IRL,” or “In Real Life.”

In a university press release, Melissa Napolitano, an associate professor of prevention and community health, said, “This pilot study showed that you don’t have to be a gamer to use virtual reality to learn some important skills for weight loss. [This research indicates] that virtual reality could be a promising new tool for building healthier habits.”

This Intriguing Weight Loss Study

In the study, eight overweight women watched a 15-minute video once a week that featured an avatar demonstrating healthy weight-loss behaviors. The women did not interact with the video as in a game, they just watched, but they did get to pick an avatar that matched their proportions and skin color. They then saw their avatar in different scenes; for example, the avatar could be seen sitting down for dinner and learning about proper portion sizes. In other virtual lessons, the avatar could be seen learning how to use a treadmill or learn about how to “power walk” to lose weight.

The women watched the videos for one month. At the end of the four weeks, they had each lost an average of 3.5 pounds. Not any kind of monumental weight loss, but which Napolitano said was consistent with most diet plans over the same amount of time. But she said, more importantly, the researchers hoped that by watching the avatar, people using this kind of virtual lifestyle modification training would be more likely to establish long-term healthy habits and keep the weight off.  “We are excited by the potential of this technology as a scalable tool to help people learn the skills to be successful at weight loss over the long run,” Napolitano said.

When Napolitano was with the Temple University’s Center for Obesity Research and Education, she did a similar study where she found that people were more likely to do exercise the next day when they were shown a video with a digital Avatar who looked just like them, running on a treadmill. She decided this time to see if avatars could be used to specifically help women lose weight.

The study participants all concluded that watching the avatar helped them visualize and then put in place healthy behaviors when they found themselves in similar situations in real environments, such as taking a walk or picking healthier food options when shopping.

The “Reality” of Medical Weight Loss

Medical Weight Loss Shelby Township MI

While there is some evidence that virtual exercise can help you lose weight, if you want a real weight loss solution that will always help you achieve your weight loss goals, then you really should consider medical weight loss!

Medical weight loss is the fastest, safest, and most effective way to lose weight and keep it off.

Our Detroit Area, medical weight loss clinic has a track record of over 20,000 satisfied patients.

It includes FDA-approved weight loss medications, nutrition, health coaching, hormone replacement therapy, and an easy-to-use web application where you can track your calories, exercise, and weight loss goals.

There can be many approaches to medical weight loss. We have helped over 20,000 patients with our trusted medical weight loss programs. Your medical weight loss program may include:

  • Prescription appetite suppressants – Our doctors use FDA-approved medications that have been clinically proven to safely and effectively help to suppress your appetite and limit your caloric intake.
  • Nutrition and dietary counseling – Your own personal fitness coach will help you set and achieve your weight loss goals by recommending exercise, dietary and practical lifestyle changes that will help you to lose weight and keep it off.
  • Lipotropic (fat burning) injections to increase metabolism – As part of our medical weight loss program, we incorporate vitamin injections that can be done one to two times a week. They include the B-complex of vitamins along with amino acids to help your immune system, digestive health and give you amazing energy.
  • Tracking and monitoring of your results and progress – We use a proprietary mobile app that allows you to monitor your weight loss progress, helps you to count calories and make better food choices, and instantly share information with our doctors to help you reach and maintain your ideal weight.
  • Hormone Replacement Therapy – As part of your medical weight loss program, you may also be prescribed a course of testosterone replacement therapy and/or growth hormone replacement therapy. Declining levels of both testosterone and human growth hormone (HGH) contribute to weight gain and difficulties with weight loss. If, during your complete physical exam, your hormones are found to be low, hormone replacement therapy may be part of your medical weight loss program.

At MIH Medical Weight Loss Clinic, our medical weight loss plans have helped thousands of patients who have failed to achieve significant and lasting weight loss after trying almost every other diet doctor or diet plan in the Detroit area!

“Weight loss programs, you name it; I tried it, Weight Watchers, Jennie Craig, Weight Atkins, etc. No other program has ever worked for me this well. The staff, the support here at MIH are all so amazing. Most importantly, I have lost weight, and I am learning how to keep it off, not for a month or year, but for the rest of my life! Becky L., Detroit, MI

Our goal is to help you become independent and healthy, not reliant on our diet plans. Our Medical Weight Loss Clinic provides real solutions for real people. If you are tired of one-size-fits-all diets, call (586) 800-2249 or click here to schedule your consultation now!

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