6 Best Ideas for Spring from a Weight Loss Doctor

Weight Loss Doctor Shelby Township MI

Weight Loss Doctor Shelby Township MIWhat are your plans for losing weight this spring? Here are the best weight loss tips from a weight loss doctor in Shelby Township.

It’s springtime, folks! You’re probably feeling sluggish, lethargic, and all-around uncomfortable in your own skin. Well, here’s the thing: MIH Medical Weight Loss in Shelby Township has your back!

The warm weather is beginning to remind people that they put on a few pounds over the winter. In fact, spring is when many people commit to losing weight. 

It’s impossible to resist losing weight when spring is in the air.

Best Weight Loss Tips from a Weight Loss Doctor in Shelby Township

This spring, don’t let yourself go astray. To make sure you’re at your best by the time summer rolls around, here are some top weight loss tips from a weight loss doctor from Shelby Township.

1. Be more active. 

The beautiful weather makes you want to be more active. As the spring approaches, most of us turn our clocks forward an hour, giving us an extra hour of daylight in the evenings. This is the perfect opportunity to work out at night if you’re not an early bird who works out in the morning! Our weight loss doctor recommends you enjoy the late sunlight and go outside for a workout.

2. Get more sun. 

Sun exposure has been found to improve your mood, health, and brain function. Sunlight helps your body produce vitamin D (which usually drops during the winter from too much indoor time), so replenishing your vitamin D levels while exercising can lead to more weight loss than diet and exercise alone. Working out under the sun gives you an endorphin rush from the exercise and sun. So go on—get your sunshine on while exercising. Not only will you be getting a great workout, but you’ll be working on all these areas of your health!

3. Stay hydrated.

Forget those warm drinks you usually crave to make you feel comforted. Did you know that warm-weather drinks have fewer calories than cold-weather ones? Our weight loss doctor suggests hydrating with low-calorie drinks this spring. Summer drinks such as coconut water, homemade iced tea, and fresh juice have fewer calories than hot choco and other winter drinks. So you automatically cut back on the calories. 

4. Eat more fruits.

Fruit is abundant during the spring. Not only are spring fruits super delicious, but they are also so freaking healthy. It’s time to snack on fruits that are in season. Our weight loss doctor suggests stocking up on apricots, grapefruit, pineapples, strawberries, and rhubarb. Not only are they healthy snacks, but they also make a pretty great and nutritious dessert!

5. Get more greens.

One of the best things about this time of year is all of the fresh, green vegetables to choose from. Hit up your local farmer’s market or produce stand in Shelby Township for the best, most affordable veggies. Spring is the prime time for seasonal veggies like arugula, artichokes, spinach, and watercress. We love loading up our plates with vegetables because they offer a wide range of nutrients, and they’re generally very low in calories. The greener the leaf of a fruit or vegetable, the more powerful it will be in helping to lower your insulin levels, which enables you to burn fat. 

6. Time to bring out your spring wardrobe.

Having good motivation is a great way to be focused on your goals. Keep your spring and summer wardrobe in mind. Nothing motivates you, like knowing you have a brand new bathing suit, sundress, or cut-offs waiting in your closet! Think of those clothes whenever you feel like skipping your workout or cheating on your diet. Wouldn’t it be nice to look and feel fabulous in them?

Weight loss doctors in Shelby Township are here to help you with your weight loss journey.

Are there any weight loss doctors in Shelby Township?

If you’re in Shelby Township, then you’re in luck! Michigan Integrative Health (MIH) Weight Loss Center is located in Shelby Township. 

The MIH Weight Loss Center offers a medical weight loss program to assist you in your weight loss journey. Losing weight and keeping it off is much easier and safer with medical weight loss and a weight loss doctor.

Are you ready for a safe and effective weight loss program?

Weight Loss Doctor Shelby Township MI Medical weight loss is the safest and fastest way to lose weight! The medical weight loss program conducted by a weight loss doctor in MIH Medical Weight Loss Clinic in Shelby Township does not employ cookie-cutter solutions. Our weight loss doctor will give you the knowledge and tools to maintain your weight loss results.

Our Weight Loss Center in Shelby Township offers a holistic and medically supervised weight loss and weight management program. It includes FDA-approved weight loss medications, nutrition advice, health coaching, hormone replacement therapy, and an easy-to-use application to track your progress.

Our team of doctors, medical technicians, nutritionists, and coaches will be there with you every step of the way to monitor your progress. We offer personalized weight loss and weight management programs to ensure that they work for you and your body. 

Are you Ready to Get Started with a Weight Loss Docor?

Our goal is to help you be healthy on your own. Our MIH Medical Weight Loss Center in Shelby Township offers the best medical weight loss program to help you achieve your health goals. Call us today at (586) 800-2249 if you are tired of exercising and dieting that does not work, and we will help you lose weight and live a healthy, happy life.

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