What to Expect During Your First Visit at Michigan Integrative Health

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Man meeting with a provider for non-surgical and prescription-free chronic pain careManaging chronic pain can be difficult when traditional treatments like medications or surgery don’t seem like the right fit. That’s why we take an alternative approach that focuses on addressing the root causes of your pain naturally and effectively. The first step is determining if you’re a candidate for the innovative regenerative medicine products we offer at our practice. 

The skilled team at Michigan Integrative Health, including a medical doctor and nurse practitioners, understands human anatomy and the factors that cause chronic pain. We evaluate potential patients during a consultation and only accept those who will see improvements. And we don’t use needles or perform joint manipulations during our assessment process. Here’s what you can expect during your first visit for chronic pain relief in Rochester Hills, MI.

A Comprehensive Assessment

Your initial consultation includes an in-depth discussion about your chronic pain — whether it’s in your back, neck, hip, shoulder, or knee. We’ll take the time to understand your symptoms, health history, and expectations for care. To help us build a clear picture of your condition, we also review specialized forms and imaging, including on-site X-rays, to evaluate factors like joint stability, degeneration, inflammation, and arthritis.

Muscle and Joint Testing

We take a unique approach to assessing your pain. Our team carefully evaluates the muscles surrounding your affected joints to test their strength, ability to contract, and coordination. These factors play a critical role in joint stability and pain management. Through specific manual techniques, we apply pressure and tension to determine how your muscles and joints respond.

During this assessment, we look for measurable changes, such as:

  • A decrease in pain.
  • Increased strength.
  • Improved range or ease of motion.

These results help us determine whether you’re a candidate for care.  An improvement in at least one of these areas will signal that you might benefit from natural chronic pain treatments.

Customized Recommendations

Unlike many traditional practices, we don’t follow a one-size-fits-all approach. If your initial assessment shows improvement, we’ll discuss treatment options tailored to your unique condition. Our solutions include the use of natural biologic products such as human cellular and tissue products (HCT/P), which can support healing and repair without surgery or drugs.

Schedule a Chronic Pain Consultation in Shelby Township

If chronic pain is keeping you from enjoying life, take the first step toward relief. Call 586-726-9860 to schedule your consultation at Michigan Integrative Health and discover a natural, results-driven approach to feeling better. We are located on the border of Shelby Township and Rochester. We serve the Detroit Metro area as well as Ontario, Canada and northern Ohio.

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Office Hours

Mon-Thu: 9am-6:30pm
Closed Fri & Sat

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